Services for People who are Homeless

The Daughters of Charity in collaboration with other agencies, Crosscare, the Society of St Vincent de Paul, and de Paul Ireland, help to provide various services.  This includes supporting families who are homeless, in transition from one type of accommodation to another, pastoral care in hostels and accompanying those who are homeless because of addiction and psychiatric problems.

DePaul Ireland –

Crosscare –

Society of St Vincent de Paul –

Pastoral Care

The essence of my ministry is to journey withy residents in the ups and downs of their daily lives. It is mainly a listening ministry – listening with compassion and in a non-judgemental manner. I try to get to know the residents by listening sharing and befriending in an informal and relaxed environment. This may take place on a 1-to-1 encounter or in conversation with small groups.  The conversations may vary from brief chats to deep sharing of what really matters in their lives.

I accompany and encourage residents in times of sickness, stress and bereavement.

We celebrate together the major feasts of the year; Christmas, Lent and Easter and the Vincentian Feasts. I try to help the residents became aware of the spiritual dimension of their lives through quiet times of meditation and prayer.

I organise outings on a 1-1 to a café or park.  We plan larger outings with small groups for example to museums, boat trips, or to a sensory garden.