in News
On Thursday 28th June, Sr. Catherine addressed the Daughters of Charity at their Provincial meeting in Dunardagh Blackrock. The Sisters have been working on aspects of Laudato Si in relation to awareness raising, reading and...
in Laudato Si
The Gaze of Jesus
The Gaze of Jesus When I first read Laudato Si, my heart anchored within the section, “The Gaze of Jesus”. Perhaps this is because I, too, find myself ‘gazing’ more than at other moments in...
in Laudato Si
One World, One Home, One Family
One World, One Home, One Family Praise be to you O Lord as we attempt with all our sisters and brothers to continue to appreciate the beauty of your creation and preserve it for all...
in Laudato Si
Nature is not a place to visit, it is home
“Nature is not a place to visit, it is home” (Environmental protection policy) The more we treat and protect our common home not only benefits us but we believe that someone else, future generations, will...
in News
Daughters of Charity Mini Marathon Team 2018
Once again the Daughters of Charity have formed their team to participate in this year’s VHI women’s mini marathon on Sunday June 3rd. Always an enjoyable day our team of Sisters, friends, colleagues and family...
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Our Lady’s Hospice Thigio, Kenya
Our Lady’s Hospice in Thigio Kenya welcomed four visitors from Circle of Caring Hospice in the USA as a part of a Global Partnership initiative. The four visitors: Kunga Doros, Rischell Redmon, Lori Trickett, and...
in News
Gathering of some returned missionaries
We had a wee gathering in Labour House for some of the returned missionaries. I showed some slides of my recent visits to our projects in Africa and gave an update about the sisters they know....
in Laudato Si
Mother Nature
It helps now and then to step back and have a long view……………. “Pointing to the cracks in the planet that we inhabit as well as the human causes of environmental degradation.” Laudato Si (Page...
in Laudato Si
The psalms frequently exhort us to praise God the Creator “for his steadfast love endures forever”. They also invite other creatures to join us in this praise: “Praise him, sun and moon, praise him all...
in News
Blessing and launch of the National Council of the Vincentian Family in Ireland
Thursday 26th April was a milestone for the Vincentian Family in Ireland. His grace Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin was invited by the newly constituted National Council of the Vincentian Family in Ireland to celebrate...
in Laudato Si
Our Vulnerable World
“War always does grave harm to the environment and to the cultural riches of the people, risks which are magnified when one considers nuclear arms and biological weapons” Laudato Si’ 56-57 I am writing this...
in Laudato Si
Living Laudato Si
The encyclical Laudato Si was publicized for everyone on the planet on June 18, 2016. The title means “Praise be to You,” invites everyone to care for our Common Home that God has given us....
in News
Gatherings in Dunardagh and High Leigh
Over two weekends in April Daughters of Charity from the Provinces of Ireland and Great Britain gathered to celebrate, share and dig deeper into their Vincentian heritage and Spirituality. They listened and share on sessions...
in News
In preparation for Pope Francis’ visit to Dublin to celebrate the World Meeting of Families in August 2018, the Daughters of Charity in St Agatha’s Parish have been hosting a ‘Family Hour’ each Thursday from...
in Laudato Si
Water is Life
Water is precious, essential for our life, nature, animals. and all of God’s creation. Let us give thanks to God for water so precious and scarce for many. Each drop so small but is life...
in News
Limerick Youth Theatre present The Creative Show
The Creative Show is a collaboration between Limerick Youth Theatre and The Daughters of Charity service, Limerick Return to Storyland is the 8th Creative show Written & directed by Myles Breen Assistant Director: Marie Boylan...
in Laudato Si
The Garden of the World
St. Francis faithful to the Scripture, invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness. Laudato Si, paragraph...
in News
Why Give Up Chocolate for Lent When You Can Give Up Plastic?
by Carol Janus I just love the word serendipity. It sounds so sweet. When it happens to me, it’s even better than eating a box of chocolates. Just last year, I was considering starting a...
in News
Breaking the Bottled Water Habit in Your Community
What’s the problem with bottled water? It seems like everywhere we go, from meetings to community events, we’re offered bottled water to drink. Across the country, free public water fountains have been edged out by...