Mission News 2019
November 29, 2019
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- Create Date November 29, 2019
- Last Updated November 29, 2019
Greetings to all our readers from St.Catherine’s Provincial House, Dunardagh, Blackrock. It is hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. And what a busy and productive year it has been in the developing mission in Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso and Ethiopia. It has also been a very productive year in the Mission Development Office here in Dublin as you will see throughout the book. Sr.Geraldine and her team have worked hard at keeping the Mission and Mission outreach very much alive for us all. I know it is difficult work and want to thank each volunteer for their generosity and commitment.
Change is a part of life and there have been many changes which have taken place during the year. One of the first four Sisters to begin the Mission in Kenya 18 years ago Sr.Eileen O’Callaghan died in September. Eileen had set up a Clinic in Thigio to care for the sick. She then started the Hospice in response to a great need for terminally ill patients to die with special care and comfort. It was in this Hospice that Eileen spent her last weeks. She was cared for with great gentleness by the Sisters and staff of the Hospice and she was so happy that she was to be buried in Kenya and with the people she loved. We all miss Eileen and we thank God for her rich, simple and generous life. May she rest in peace.
We are fortunate in having so many supporters and volunteers who help us in the different fundraising activities. Without the generous collaboration of so many it would not be possible to maintain many of the services to those most in need. The support we receive from you through our many fundraising activities helps us to reach out and assist people to make life changing differenced for both themselves and their families and indeed for the local communities where they live. On behalf of the Daughters of Charity I want to say a special Thank You to each of you. Your support, generosity and interest makes what we do possible.
May 2020 be a year of peace and joy for you and your families.
Thank you and God bless each one of you.
Sr. Goretti Butler