Daughters of Charity in Kenya
Short Profile of Kenya
The Republic of Kenya is a country in Eastern Africa. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, and Sudan to the northwest, with the Indian Ocean running along the southeast border.
Kenya is a most beautiful country covering an area slightly larger than France. Despite its beautiful landscape, tourist attractions and pleasant climate Kenya struggles with poverty. The differences between the life-styles of the very rich and the very poor are extreme, a huge majority of people live at subsistence level. The inadequate infrastructure and problems with Governance issues make development slow. However some excellent progress is being made in the highway systems and in primary education which is now largely free but huge challenges remain. One of these is the increasing numbers of refugees from neighbouring countries and of the internally- displaced, all of whom claim the resources of the service providers. As in many other countries poverty has led to increased violence, armed robberies and gang activity. In addition severe droughts have had devastating effects in some areas and natural resources such as water have been seriously contaminated giving rise to consequent health problems. There is a great reliance on donor funding for basic services.
The Daughters of Charity were invited to Kenya by the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentian Fathers) with whom they share a common heritage. The Daughters of Charity began officially in Kenya in January 2002, with the opening of two local communities, Thigio in Limuru and Chepnyal in West Pokot. The development of the mission in Kenya has been generously supported by the international community of the Daughters of Charity. The provinces of Australia, Britain, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ireland, Nigeria, and the Provinces of the United States have contributed and continue to contribute personnel and/or financial support. At present there are 15 non-Kenyan Sisters on mission in Kenya. There are 17 Kenyan Daughters of Charity at different stages of formation and training.