Daughters of Charity by Daughters of Charity November 23, 2017 in No Comments 236 Joining the Dots Together5 PhotosImpact Awards3 PhotosVFCAP training day in Dunardagh12 PhotosWorld Meeting of Families11 PhotosVisitors to Thigio5 PhotosGatherings in Dunardagh and High Leigh8 PhotosVisit to the Sisters at Rosewell3 PhotosCelebration in Knock39 PhotosSymposium in Rome9 PhotosCeline's Adventure8 PhotosSt John’s Cathedral Limerick5 PhotosSt Mary’s Kilbegnet4 PhotosDaughters of Charity visit Áras an Uachtaráin20 PhotosJubilee Gathering 201711 PhotosSir Cliff Richard visits Dunardagh12 PhotosLaudato Si5 PhotosKenya13 Photos share