The Garden of the World
St. Francis faithful to the Scripture, invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness. Laudato Si, paragraph 12 One rainy evening after a long dry spell I was walking around the house under the shelter of the gutters, watching the rain pour down on the parched, cracked earth. I was suddenly attracted by the raindrops which had gathered like crystal clear diamonds on the up-turned, receptive leaves of the nasturtiums. As the leaves came to life and danced in the breeze it was possible to sense their sheer delight and hear their song of joy and thanksgiving. What a wonderful gift from God. I looked at the myriad of crystal clear drops like jewels and reflected on the purity, simplicity, sheer beauty and the power they had to transform and re-enliven those wilted leaves. I thought of the concern and love of the creator God for all creation. I thought of the places of drought and remembered the many people deprived of clean water, those who have to settle for a drink of contaminated water to quench their thirst and the consequences of this for them. I felt called again to look at the careless way I sometimes use water and other gifts of God’s creation. It was a reminder to me to keep constantly before my mind the command of God to ‘till and keep the garden of the world which means caring, protecting, overseeing and preserving to ensure its fruitfulness for coming generations.’ Laudato Si, paragraph 67 May my hands and heart be uplifted to receive from God. May I too dance with the raindrops of God’s abundant, unmerited mercies falling on me and when I do not see any let me wait patiently with up-turned hands and eyes.
Áine O’Brien DC