Laudato Si’ week – 16-24th 2020

Laudato Si’ week - 16-24th 2020

Dear Reader

Laudato Si’ week, May 16 -24th, is fast approaching. It is an opportune time for us, during ‘social distancing’, to revisit Laudato Si’ on its 5th anniversary.  In the encyclical, Pope Francis urges us to hear the cry of the poor, the cry of the earth and to respond to the ecological crisis. His reminder that everything is connected should impel us to engage with the document and take what small steps we can, to conserve the earth – our common home.  The mandate to ‘stay at home’ could give us ample scope to do just that.  Attached please find a pack that may encourage your exploration.

May it be a rewarding experience.

Anna Byrne – Daughter of Charity.
