Belfast 12.01.2024

What an apt and imaginative title for a gathering of groups in Northern Ireland whose aim is to tackle the effects of the climate crisis together! Attendees ranged from church groups to the Mothers Union and the GAA. Such diversity brought energy and vibrancy to the conversations over coffee and to the discussion. Ulster University hosted the meeting. We were welcomed and led in prayer by the UU Chaplains. Tea and coffee were provided which helped to open the conversation and help people to mingle.

The key-note address was given by Dr Lorna Gold who came from Glasgow to work as Policy officer with Trócaire. During her time with Trócaire Lorna came to realise that faith values can transform systems and influence change.  During the pandemic, after 18 years’ service Lorna decided to move from Trócaire to help start a brand -new organisation called FaithInvest – where she is now the CEO. This organisation has a focus on mobilising all faiths to put their own resources to work – especially their financial investments – to help shift the economy towards greater sustainability. The full text of her excellent address is attached to this article.

Lorna’s input was well received and some of the comments on the evaluation sheets include:

‘Rewrite the future  – refuse to believe that this is how it ends.’

Let us change the narrative – by empowerment and spiritual resonance

Faiths have the tradition of helping people.

We have a broken world – it is time for action. We have to abandon optimism – it will not be OK

We need hope not enthusiasm. Faith communities must put aside differences to act. Dig where you stand. Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission’

Join Dots that build hope

Look after the simple things

Communication important – like a football team – all players have the one goal but need to communicate with each other to achieve the goal.

Start at grass roots level

Use head, heart and hands

Click here to read the full address

View the gallery of photos
