The Gaze of Jesus
The Gaze of Jesus
When I first read Laudato Si, my heart anchored within the section, “The Gaze of Jesus”. Perhaps this is because I, too, find myself ‘gazing’ more than at other moments in my life. Maybe I am coming to see the realities I face within a light not realized before, and I hope this light to be the gaze of Jesus, who in His seeing, deepened his awareness of the felt mutual love between himself and his Father. This deepening came through what he saw in what was happening.
Recently our Community and staff in Thigio had a Fun Day centring on our special needs program, calling together both intellectually/physically challenged adults and children with their guardians and parents. Over 200 attended this glorious “Praise be to you!” event! Bursting forth from our gate, we marched down to the main town, danced our way along the new tarmac road, singing, drumming, blowing horns, gathering so many storekeepers to join, applaud! Many helped in the pushing of 13 wheelchairs up the still rocky roads, back to the field….and so much more! Those of us who were weeping in such heartfelt joy, gazed on this event, with the gaze, surely, of Jesus, who sees in these struggling men, women and children not “one forgotten by God!”
Maybe Laudato Si is inviting me to see in the midst of the suffering planet in all its complexities the sure gaze and embrace of Jesus risen! I can dance in his gaze!
Pat Beyreu DC