Together we can be stronger in Welcoming the Stranger

“Together we can be stronger in Welcoming the Stranger”
Come and celebrate the great people whose shoulders we stand on to reach out to those most in need today
All members of the Vincentian Family are invited to join in the celebration of the Eucharist on this Feast of St. Louise de Marillac, to commemorate the
400th Anniversary of the birth of the Vincentian charism
of caring for those most in need in society.
This celebration will take place
in the Church of the Guardian Angels, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 2.30pm.
All are welcome.
Who are the Vincentian Family?
Check out you tube 400th Anniversary or #famvin400′
(Vincentian Family in Ireland includes among many:
Society of St Vincent de Paul – SVP, Vincentian Fathers – CM, Daughters of Charity – DC, De Paul Trust, Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice – VPSJ, Association of the Miraculous Medal – AMM, International Association of Charity (formerly Ladies of Charity) – AIC, All who have participated in Mission & Mentoring and Mission Moments Courses on the Vincentian Charism.
**Part of a global initiative of the Vincentian Family to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism in 2017)
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